Fishermen’s Memorial


13 Jubilee Drive
Port Lincoln, City of Port Lincoln, South Australia

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Fishermen’s Memorial

The Fisherman`s Memorial commemorates those who have been lost at sea.

The sculpture depicts the anguish of families and friends that have lost loved ones at sea. The front of the sculpture represents families anxiously looking out to the harbour entrance for that first glimpse of a returning boat.

The landward side shows the downward faces of women in sorrow knowing they will never see their love ones again. Surrounding the central monument lay scattered stones with the individual names of some 50 men and their boats that have departed from Port Lincoln never to return. On average one name is added to the granite stones each year.

The sculpture is made from Calca Granite from West coast of Eyre Peninsula.

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    Where to find
    Fishermen’s Memorial

    13 Jubilee Drive
    Port Lincoln, City of Port Lincoln, South Australia

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